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Give God your morning!

In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. ~Psalm 5:3 (NIV)

David said God hears us in the morning, He hears our hearts as we wake.  He knows our innermost thoughts as we begin to mentally prepare for our day.  The morning should be our best time because we are rested and fresh and ready to take on what the new day has to offer.  Many people claim they aren’t morning people, but before they start actuating that for themselves, they might want to look at what they are doing the evening before.  When we eat right and are well rested, our mornings can be a wonderful time for us to spend with God and give Him the first part of our day.  God calls it the “first fruits”.  The first fruits are the most important because they are the tithe.  The tithe is the first part or “a tenth” of all our increase.  We can tithe our time just like we tithe on any other increase in life.  It’s important that we stop and reflect on that principle because time with God is irreplaceable.  Our time with God builds our faith and faith in God’s love and goodness towards us is way more precious than gold or anything else we could ever attain with our time.  We are called to be holy and to be holy we must conform to the image of God and our lives must be regulated by His divine precepts (aka His Word).  How is that ever going to happen if we never spend any time with Him or know what He has said? 

When we are young, we don’t usually wake up in the morning thanking God for another day, but when we grow older…well that is a different story.  The bible teaches with age comes wisdom.  Being thankful for our time with loved ones and our time to be able to work and our time to make things right where we went wrong comes with age also.  When we take the time to get in God’s word, read a devotion, listen to uplifting music or all the above, it enables us to put our best foot forward as we face all the opportunities and adversities that each day is sure to bring.  Time with God will keep us from living the same defeated life over and over or worse yet going backwards!  Our only choice as believers is to move forward so we should do it well and to do it well we need God’s counsel.   The bible teaches us that Jesus got up early to spend time with God and pray.  That fellowship gave Jesus the faith and God the opportunity to perform miracles that brought freedom and healing to those Jesus encountered throughout His day.  We need to be available to God for those same purposes, don’t we?  Jesus said in John 14:10 “it is the Father, living in me, who is doing His work.” (NIV)  How is your relationship with God?  How much effort do you put into hearing from Him?  If you are born again, His Spirit lives in you and He wants to be a part of everything you do.  It’s time we make a commitment to seek God’s wisdom and His will first thing every morning.  Give God the “first fruits” of your time.  He empowered Jesus to make a difference in this world and He will empower you to do that also if you will give Him the opportunity.

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed. ~Mark 1:35 (NIV)

What have you chosen to do today that would help you to get on the same page as the Lord? Bible Study? Prayer?

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