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Get Real with God

For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you. ~2 Chronicles 20:12b (NIV)

Most of us have difficulty expressing our inadequacies to anyone, God included. But when we feel overwhelmed, it’s important for us to go to God and confess our inabilities and weaknesses.  God already knows what we think we can handle, and He knows our circumstances; He just wants us to be honest about them with Him.  He wants to help, but He’s not going to step over our pride to do it.  In 2 Chronicles, Jehosephat was facing a battle to which he admitted he was completely helpless in the face of.  Have you ever faced that kind of battle?  Have you ever had a problem you felt was bigger than you?  Oftentimes God allows those challenges to come upon us to see how we are going to respond.  It can be a period of trying our faith to see what we are made of, or it can be a situation the Lord in His sovereignty allows to draw us close to Him.  Either way, He says His strength is demonstrated in our weaknesses.  Sometimes it seems like the weaker we feel the more fearful and prideful we become.  We want to do it ourselves, we want the glory, we don’t want to submit to the truth that apart from Him we are nothing and give Him the place in our hearts to lead us in what He wants us to do or where He wants us to go.  Pride tells us we don’t need God’s help and fears will paralyze us from moving forward.  But faith will put us on our knees before a heavenly Father we trust, and He will always bring us through. 

That’s exactly what Jehosephat did.  He starts out by telling the Lord that he knows God possesses all the power in the world.  He tells the Lord that no one has the ability to oppose Him.  Do you believe God has all the power in the world?  If so, then act on it!  God isn’t looking for perfect people to help, there was only one perfect, and it was Him!   God is looking for people to seek Him for help.  What do you need today?  What fear is holding you back?  What pride has crept in and caused you to try to figure everything out for yourself when you have the Lord who is willing and able to take your burdens and in turn give you rest?  Do you feel comfortable saying “I don’t know what to do, but my eyes are on you" and then be still?  We have to make up our mind to firmly plant ourselves in rest as we watch God take the wheel!  It’s important for you to remind yourself every day that God is on your side.  Scripture tells us that if God be for us, who can be against us?  Get that scripture down on the inside of you and let it build up your faith.  Then get real with God.  If you don’t feel like you have the strength for the battle ahead of you, go to God and tell Him how you feel. Be prepared to submit to Gods will in all things knowing His plan is the best plan.  The Lord is always ready to encourage and enable us to do His will.  He can help you forgive the seemingly unforgivable and He can help you love the seemingly unlovable.  He can help you do the supernatural and He can help you cast down thoughts and destroy strongholds that drag you down to despair.  God is for you and will help you and strengthen you in every situation if you walk in faith and refuse to be led by your fears!  

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. ~Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

In what circumstances of life do you feel completely helpless?

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