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Full commitment is full victory

A man's mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure. ~Proverbs 16:9 (AMP)

You can trust the Lord to direct your steps and make them sure in every endeavor.  Proverbs 16:9 confirms this.  We make our plans and then we trust God, period.  We allow Him to direct our course, and we don't allow our trust in Him to be swayed by any detour He sees fit to insert into our journey.  God knows the end from the beginning and will always direct our steps in what will ultimately work out for our best if we will trust Him to be Lord of every outcome and wait patiently and expectantly for His appointed times.  Fear of failure holds many of us back from trusting God and living out our destiny.  But what is failure?  We all have our own definition of failure.  Optimists see failure as an opportunity to learn.  When we have a great attitude, we see full commitment is full victory because we know success in any endeavor is more about commitment and experience than it is about the attainment.  What stops us dead in our tracks for the most part is indecision.  The enemy will create scenarios in our minds through human reasoning that will hold us back from stepping out and doing what God has called and equipped us to do because we refuse to trust Him with the outcome.  Our pride just can’t get past what we think we are capable of.  For instance, say you are reading Proverbs 18 and you see that the Lord says a gift opens the way for the giver…then the Lord impresses on your heart that a gift could open the way for you to make amends with someone from your past.  It’s at that point you can step out and give it a shot or you can begin to let your mind reason out a million different notions as to why that is a crazy idea.  Well, believe it or not, God gives us crazy ideas every single day and those who put those ideas to the test and step out to do what seems ridiculous or even impossible are the ones who are making headlines and changing the world around them. 

This is exactly how Jesus operated in the earth.  He doubted His doubts before He doubted His Father and He stepped out of the natural and into the supernatural and did some very miraculous things.  Then He said we would do greater things than Him!  In the end, whether it is God’s plan or one of our own concoctions there is going to be a satisfaction that comes with stepping out and doing something.  The road of life is littered with flat squirrels who couldn’t make a decision.  We can't look at whether our plan prevailed or not because the truth is that it’s God’s plan that is going to prevail and He can turn anything we do around for our good if we continue to trust Him.  We need to let God direct our steps and not look at our circumstances as the determining factor of our success.  Our job is to love God and others and to walk by faith, trusting the Lord to do the rest.  Start doubting those nagging doubts and step up to the plate of opportunity knowing one way or another you are going to knock it out of the park.  With God all things are possible.  It would do us good to remember that it is not the best laid plan that brings us success; it is the fact that the Lord is with us.

In everything he did he had great success, because the Lord was with him. ~1 Samuel 18:14 (NIV)

In what areas do you struggle with indecision?

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