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Free to move forward

There was a certain man there who had suffered with a deep-seated and lingering disorder for thirty-eight years. When Jesus noticed him lying there [helpless], knowing that he had already been a long time in that condition, He said to him, Do you want to become well? [Are you really in earnest about getting well?] ~John 5:5-6 (AMP)

Many people might think "Do you want to become well?" was an odd question for Jesus to ask the man who scripture teaches had suffered for 38 years but the truth is that we all have the tendency to resist change whether it is for the better or not.  Lingering problems tend to cause us to doubt God and sometimes we worry that even if He did change our situation, would He really be able to sustain us in a different place?  We have to learn to believe God for the miracle and then believe that He will be there to take care of all the details also.  As terrible as it may sound, we can become addicted to our problems.  We are very capable of building a comfort zone around our dysfunction.  When we identify so long and so much with our problems, they eventually become part of our identity and our life.  Eventually we start to see our problems begin to define what we think, say, and do.  We start using words like never, always, just, and if only.  Those words can sap our soul of hope that God can and will make a difference in our life.  Is your lingering problem a financial burden?  Maybe it is a health concern, a wayward teen, or an unbelieving spouse.  We all have "lingering problems", but they don't have to define who we are. 

God does not want our problems to become the central focal point of our existence, but the enemy does, and he will perpetuate that problem over and over to you if you let Him.  The enemy wants us to get our focus off of God and His word and onto what we see going on around us.  Beware of his lies and don't give him glory by telling everybody that will listen to you what he is getting accomplished on this earth.  God says He will bless us coming in and bless us going out.  If you are not feeling blessed today, it's not because God hasn't blessed you.  It is because you have not received His blessing.  Jesus said in John 16:23 “I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.” (NIV)  Jesus started His statement with “I tell you the truth”.  He is serious about what He is saying.  Do you believe Jesus tells the truth?  Do you believe He was being honest when He made that statement?  If so, you have to believe that your Heavenly Father will give you whatever you ask in Jesus’ name.  We need to truly believe what we say we believe and refuse any doubt in what our God is willing and able to do.  We have to be willing to hear and accept the truth and the truth is that before we can get well, we must really want to be well and that starts with getting our hopes up!  God wants us to trust Him and cooperate with Him as He leads us to victory over our problems one step at a time.  Whatever you are dealing with today, God has promised you can be free if you want to be.  Free to forgive, free to love and free from past failures; both yours and others.  But most importantly free to move forward…healthy, whole, and happy!

 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor." ~Luke 4:18-19 (NIV)

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