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Follow Gods lead with confidence

Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. ~Psalm 139:16 (NIV)

God knew you before you were ever born.  He knew your disposition, your desires, and every single mistake you were ever going to make.  Scripture tells us all the days ordained for us were written before they ever came to be.  That means God knew what our biography was going to be before we ever took our first breath.  He knew the joy and He knew the pain and He said I will walk beside you every step of the way.  We might not always feel like the Lord sees the issues we are facing or the pain in our hearts, but not only does he know about it, He has promised that He is working on turning it for our good.  When we allow ourselves to get distracted from looking for what God is doing in our lives and in the world around us, we lose opportunities to be encouraged.  Nothing is as encouraging as witnessing answered prayers.  It is an awesome witness to who we are in Christ to be able to present our requests to God and watch His answer manifest in our lives.  Not everyone has that privilege because not everyone has a personal relationship with God, but they can, and you and I are supposed to be telling and showing them what that kind of relationship looks like.  Our lives have been ordained by God!

To ordain means to put in order or arrange.  God has arranged every day of our life for a purpose.  Do you know God’s ordained plan for you today?  Many of us look so hard for the big picture we miss the seemingly little opportunities.  Take for instance a smile.  Some people just need a smile and God might have ordained or arranged an opportunity for you to be the one to give it to them.  Maybe it’s a hug, a prayer, or a little encouragement.  God will reveal needs all around you if you are willing to open your eyes and see!  He says the harvest is great, but the workers are few.  Don’t you want to work for the Lord today?  You can do it simultaneously for the most part with whatever you have on your agenda!  God is so big He can bring you needs on whatever path you are on, or He can redirect your path!  Be careful not to allow the enemy to distract you when things don’t go your way.  A bad attitude about a change in your circumstances can prevent you from serving the Lord.  We need to be flexible and adaptable, trusting in the Lord!  When He sent His disciples out He told them in Luke 9:3 “Take nothing for the journey- no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt…” (NIV)  The Lord was basically saying trust Me with everything.  I will prepare, you just get out there and get busy!  We need to look for the opportunities God is bringing our way today.  If we truly listen to others God will reveal to us their needs and what His plan is to meet them.  But if we are only waiting for our next opportunity to speak, we miss so much.  In response to the hungry crowd in Luke 9:13 Jesus said to His disciples "You feed them".  Do you hear His voice that clear when confronted with a need?  Are you listening for it?  Every day and every encounter is already filled with potential to fulfill God’s will for your life.  Follow His lead with confidence and He will use you for His great purposes on this earth and teach you to live by His wisdom! 

I instruct you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. ~Proverbs 4:11 (NIV)

What is God’s plan for you today? Has He revealed to you how He wants to use you to bring His goodness to those around you?

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