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Faith is a deliberate choice to trust God

I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, God of Israel, who summons you by name. ~Isaiah 45:3 (NIV)

Secret places are usually where you never think to look; they are hidden out of sight or buried. Many times, God strategically places treasures and wisdom right in the middle of life's greatest challenges. At the center of every challenge is an opportunity for us to trust in God to work, but we must step out in faith. If we do, He promises to strengthen us as we go, even if we see no solution to the problem or no way to change the situation. Essentially, every problem you or I encounter today can be viewed as good news because they make us candidates for God’s miracles. They give us opportunities the rest of the world doesn't have because we are God's children. We are not able to fathom God’s love for us, but He gives us a glimpse of just how much we mean to Him through Jesus. God has provided the way for us to overcome any misunderstandings of who He is and how important we are to Him because He gave His one and only Son to not only live a sinless life before us, teaching and demonstrating God’s holy character, but also to go to a cross and die a death He did not deserve so that we could enjoy reconciliation to our heavenly Father by His Spirit He sent to live in us. None of us should question God’s great love for mankind because we have been given a Savior and we have been filled with the Spirit of God Himself! We would also do good to remember that our salvation is manifested in healing, deliverance, and freedom every day if we so choose to believe and receive God’s great love and provision.

God’s wisdom, wealth and healing are all found by those who humbly seek Him by faith in their minimal understanding, poverty, and sickness. He says He does this so that we may know that He is the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons us by name. God isn’t behind a veil, and He isn’t hiding from His children, He says He calls us by name, and He expects us to seek Him in our troubles. No matter what you are going through right now it has sifted through the hands of the Lord. We might not understand why, but we know God is sovereign and whatever He allows to come into our life will eventually turn for our good. We are told in Romans 8:28 “we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” (NKJV) You and I are "the called" according to God’s purpose. We are the ones the world is looking at to see if God is going to turn things for our good and He will if we believe that He will. But first we must get rid of that "unworthy" misconception. We might think the acts of kindness we demonstrate and the love we show the unlovely are small and meaningless, but God doesn’t look at them that way. He enjoys inspiring His children to walk in love. He loves His children having the confidence to express their love for Him by loving and serving others. It might be far-fetched for you to believe and receive this truth, but God is proud of you and me. Even in our weakest and most humble endeavors He is proud. Just like we are proud of our children. Remember during the difficulties and hard times that our faith grows stronger in the fire of adversity. Faith is a deliberate choice to trust that God loves and cares for us individually and perfectly. Have confidence in the Lord’s love for you. Believe and receive what He has promised and watch your faith grow beyond your wildest imagination!

What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead. ~Hebrews 11:1 (TLB)

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