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Examine Yourself

We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. ~Romans 15:1 (NIV)

Not everyone is going to live their life the way you think they should or even the way you know the Lord wants them to. The bible teaches that there are stronger Christians and there are weaker Christians. On many occasions, these two find themselves at odds with each other and more often than not it is because of our own pride. We think when people aren’t where they should be in relationships or in their finances or even in their ability to communicate effectively or work efficiently that they are lesser. Granted others may not be building themselves up in the Lord by spending time in His presence and His word, but that doesn’t mean we are there of our own accord. It’s by grace we even seek the Lord so when we create pecking orders in our head of where we stand and where others stand, we need to remember that word we have become so “well versed” with says that we are to put ourselves at the end of every line. We are called to be determined at pleasing others before ourselves hoping the Lord will use us to win them to His love. He tells us in Romans 15:2 “Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up. For even Christ did not please himself, but as it is written: “The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.” (NIV) Our ultimate goal in the body of Christ is unity through peace and love. We are to walk in love and pursue peace in every situation and with every person. When we live according to these principles, we experience unity. It has been said that the closer the stones lie, and the better they are squared to fit one another, the stronger is the building. Anyone who has ever found themselves on a team knows this to be true. We can’t get closer and fit in with each other until we learn to bear with the failings and weaknesses of each other. Flaws and faults are something we all carry no matter how spiritual we have become because none of us have gotten it all completely right except Jesus. We have been called to encourage and to lift others up, not to judge and trample on them because of their weaknesses or inabilities. Not every weakness can be overcome but thank the Lord He promises that in our weakness He is made strong!

Have you ever wondered why other people’s weaknesses stick out to you like a sore thumb? Many times, the answer is simple, it's because you haven't identified your own weaknesses. God tells us in 2 Corinthians 13:5 “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves.” (NIV) It takes humility to identify and confess our own weaknesses and the fact is, humbling ourselves isn’t near as self-fulfilling as exalting ourselves. But we all need to examine ourselves every once in a while, so we can get down off our high horse and be able to bear up and accept others around us in their weaknesses. Take for instance judging others, many mature Christians can find this as a temptation. Those who are well versed can appear to have an air of superiority and that pride can be spotted even by the weakest Christian and especially by an unbeliever. In doing this we can lose the most important thing we have on this earth...our witness for Christ. Pride makes us stinky, but humility is a breath of fresh air. Seriously examining ourselves every day before we start the day will pull us down off our throne and put Jesus back up where He belongs. Give it a try and examine yourself right now. You just might find that it will help you bear with the failings and weaknesses of others with a little more compassion. Remember as you go through the day when you have one finger pointing at another, you have 3 more pointing back at you.

Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. ~Romans 15:7 (NIV)

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