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Enjoy the gift of today!

What is wrong cannot be made right. What is missing cannot be recovered. ~Ecclesiastes 1:15 (NLT)

Many times, the things we think are so important today actually don't mean as much to us as we get a little further down the road.  Everything we are dealing with today has an expiration date, whether good or bad.  We tend to pay too much attention to the events going on in our lives instead of looking at what God is doing within our hearts during those events.  Awesome reminders of how God is able to be there with us and for us in the midst of the storm or even the mundane are revealed in our lives every day.  In Romans 1:20 we read For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see His invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.” (NLT)  Do you know God?  Can you clearly see His eternal power and divine nature around you?   If you have been born again, you should know what you have been born again to be.  Scripture teaches we are a new creation.  We have exchanged our citizenship from this earth to heaven.  We are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus, and we have been made ambassadors of heaven in the earth.  We should be becoming more and more acquainted with our Heavenly Father as He reveals Himself to us through His Holy Spirit in us. 

Experiencing the presence of God does our heart good.  It teaches us to not get ahead of ourselves or Him.  It teaches us to wait on God and rest during that waiting period.  We should look at waiting on God as a gift!  It not only protects us, but it prepares us.  Spending time with the Lord in His presence brings wisdom, healing and provision because given the opportunity God will bathe us in so much grace and unconditional love that we can't help but believe in His goodness.  When does spending time with the Lord do your heart good?  What do you find yourself doing when you experience the presence of God and hear His voice?   Some people find that peace and presence of the Lord in a quiet study while others find it on a tractor.  Either way it is something we should all do more often!  Learning to live the way Jesus exampled for us is going to require quite a bit of time with Him.  Jesus said He only did what He saw His Father doing and He only said what He heard His Father saying.  Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could live that way?   It would definitely prevent us from saying idle words or doing unproductive things.   What do you see God doing and saying today in and through you?  Does what you want to do and say line up with what you know He would?  Our problem is not the fact that we cannot change because the truth is that we have already been changed.  Our problem is believing that we have been changed and that kind of faith comes from spending time with the one who brought about that change!   Let’s enjoy today just as it is given.  Let’s carve out the time we need for some refreshing in the Lord’s presence today and get a glimpse of what He is doing and saying.  Then and only then will we enjoy today for just what it is, a gift from the Lord!

A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. ~Proverbs 17:22 (AMP)

What do you see God doing and saying today in and through you?

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