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Dream Big!

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. ~Matthew 21:22 (NIV)

We all need to believe for a bright future. Jesus has promised to be our shepherd and He has promised we shall not lack.  If there is lack in our lives, we need to go back to the drawing board and figure out if we are trusting in God or if we are trusting in ourselves.  If we are trusting in God, we have contentment.  If we are trusting in what we can figure out or accomplish, we have frustration.  Being content knowing God has a great future planned for us will give us the hope we need to anchor our soul no matter what we are going through.  That hope for a better tomorrow is what we hold on to when we are asking God to fulfill our dreams. Our soul is comprised of our mind, our will, and our emotions and when those are not anchored in hope, we find what we think, how we act and how we feel tossed all over the place.  Have you ever wondered why you have those crazy thoughts that everything is falling apart?  Have you ever wondered why you acted like a fool after you let fear sit in your mind to a point where you found yourself lashing out at the very ones you love?  When our mind, will and emotions start getting chaotic it’s time to get in the word and find out what God has to say so we know what we need to ask for.  God’s word has no beginning and no end.  It is referred to as the “living word” because the revelations within it can never be exhausted.  They are pearls of wisdom and understanding and knowledge for any situation at any given time.  In Matthew 21:22 we are told that the prerequisite to receiving what we ask for in prayer is to believe. We can't let ourselves become afraid to ask because of fear of being disappointed.  Look at it this way:  if you dream big and look for all the amazing possibilities for your life, your faith will soar and if you only received half of what you prayed for, where would you be as compared to not asking and believing for anything at all? 

God tells us in Proverbs 29:18 “where there is no vision, people perish." (NIV)  A vision is something we see in our mind, "a mental sight" as one definition puts it.  It may be something God plants in us supernaturally by revelation or something that we choose to see on purpose.  What do you choose to see when you think about tomorrow?  If you really think about it, it doesn’t cost us anything to believe.  So why not dream big?  Why not choose to see great things coming?  If we don’t ask and we don’t believe, we are never going to receive.  We are told in James 4:2 “You do not have because you do not ask God.” (NIV)  It’s time we quit leaning on others and take the pressure off them and start leaning on God to provide everything we need.  Those people who we think are going to be able to help us and take care of us could be gone tomorrow.  That is why God wants us to count on Him alone.  He isn’t going anywhere, and He has promised He knows our needs before we even ask!  How terrible would it be to finish this life, get to heaven and have the Lord tell you that all those things you wished you had asked for but never did could have been yours the whole time!  If you have trouble coming up with a good dream for your future, ask God to give you one.  He is in the business of filling His people with hope!

And this hope will not lead to disappointment.  For we know how dearly God loves us, because He has given us His Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love. ~Romans 5:5 (NLT)

What does your best possible tomorrow look like?

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