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Don’t get too wrapped up in yourself

So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them. ~Genesis 1:26–27 (AMP)

We are God’s personal work of art, every single one of us.  Scripture tells us God created us and then He said, “Very good”.  We are all individuals with talents and gifts that complement each other.  That’s why we are called the body of Christ.  We all couldn’t be the thumb and we all couldn’t be the leg, but we are all necessary and we must work together in harmony to function the way the Lord designed us to.  When you pick something heavy up, you are going to need your feet, legs, back, hands and a whole range of muscles.  Could you imagine if one hand said, “I don’t feel like doing that” or “it’s not my turn to help, get the toe”?  You would be in a bad situation, wouldn’t you?  In the body of Christ, we are all God’s children and consistently through the New Testament we are told to walk in love and unity.  Scripture also reveals an enemy whose number one goal is to get us into strife and discord with each other.  He understands better than most of us the power of unity and what people can accomplish when they come together.  This truth is revealed in sports and even in workplaces.  We see very few “one man shows” where there is one person carrying the whole load.  It takes a team of dedicated people to create something awesome.  When unity is achieved, it doesn’t take long operating in that caliber to see great success.

Success for the kingdom of God means ground is being taken from the enemy.  It means people are getting free from addictions and bondages. It means faith is growing and multiplying.  It means the love of God is being promoted verses selfish interests and ambitions.  Promoting selfishness is one of the enemy’s most powerful tools.  He doesn’t have to work too hard to get our minds on our desires and what we feel like we need and deserve.  Our minds are bent towards thinking of ourselves and it can be a struggle with the enemy to get our minds focused on God’s plan verses our own.  Jesus said a house divided against itself cannot stand and that statement is repeated in Matthew, Mark, and Luke.  Have you ever lived in a house divided against itself?  It always occurs when someone is more concerned about themselves than the family or any entity as a whole.  That concern for ourselves can be stimulated by feeling like we are the only one giving to feeling like we are never appreciated.  The key is our mind is on us and our feelings.  When we get too wrapped up in ourselves that should be an indicator for us to go find somebody we can help or do something for.  Wouldn’t looking for someone to be a blessing to be a great “new approach” to getting ourselves off our minds?  2 Thessalonians 1:11 tells us “May He give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do.” (NLT) What is your faith prompting you to do today?  Bake a pie, give a hug, call someone you know who could use some cheering up.  Some people keep socks and personal hygiene supplies in their cars to give out to those who are homeless.  They prepare to be a blessing.  We should never let a good idea to help someone go undone and we should never let a kind word go unsaid.  God is behind you in every endeavor to be a blessing so get your mind off you and go be God’s hand and feet and bless somebody today.

Then the name of our Lord Jesus will be honored because of the way you live, and you will be honored along with Him.  This is made possible because of the grace of our God and Lord Jesus Christ.  ~2 Thessalonians 2:12 (NLT)

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