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Do unto others as Jesus did unto you

But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. ~Romans 5:8 (NIV)

“While we were still sinners” …think about it:  while we were going our own way and living for ourselves.  While we were making a negative impact everywhere we went…Jesus died for you and me.  He looked at us from a perspective we could never fathom.  He saw our possibilities with the right opportunities.  Without a relationship with the Father, Jesus knew our ability to impact the world for good and for God’s glory would be limited.  But being restored to a right relationship would open worlds of opportunity!   God knows we all struggle with understanding who we are in Christ Jesus.  We struggle with what being made righteous actually means.  Volumes of books have been written on the righteous state to which the born-again believer stands, but none have the impact that we read in Romans 5:17 where the Lord tells us “…how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Christ Jesus.” (NIV)  We are all destined to reign and make an impact on the world in our generation and Jesus provided the power for us to do it.  But how do we do it?  We do it by faith!  We take God at His word and trust that we have been saved for a purpose and we start pursuing good purposes.  Then we step out on the word and watch God be Lord of the outcome!  Jesus saw what we could become by the power of the Holy Spirit if He laid down His life for us to bring us into a right relationship with God, so He did it.  He accomplished His part.  Now it’s our turn.  Do you see what your capabilities are in Christ?  Do you see yourself as unstoppable?  Do you see yourself having victory in every circumstance?  Are you secure in God’s love knowing you can face anything and succeed?  God is with you and in you and He said with Him all things are possible!

Now comes the real question…. Are you able to see what others could be by the power of the Holy Spirit?  Who do you know that is going their own way and living selfishly?  Do you know someone who is leaving a negative footprint all over the place with a bad attitude or a bad agenda?  That was me and you before we knew Jesus.  Ask God to help you see people from His perspective.  Learn to see their possibilities with the right opportunities.  Acknowledge that what others see in you and what draws them closer to the Father is not of yourself.  If we were still going it alone then we would still be in a mess.  It’s God’s Holy Spirit that leads us and influences others, not to our glory but to His.  Do unto others as Jesus did unto you by forgiving their inadequacies.  Deep down in your heart you know there is quite a bit of sin that you couldn't have overcome alone and there is still plenty to be dealt with every day!  Extend the grace necessary to lead others to the Father whatever it takes.  That same grace was extended to you, and it is exactly what brought you home!  This way of living is the only way we will leave our mark for Christ in our generation!

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. ~1 John 3:16 (NIV)

Is there anyone in your life that you need to forgive? What is holding you back?

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