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Commit to live in obedience, not competition

Let us not become vainglorious and self-conceited, competitive and challenging and provoking and irritating to one another, envying and being jealous of one another. ~Galatians 5:26 (AMP)

Many people believe the best place to be is ahead of everyone else.  The world is constantly telling us that we should try to get to the top no matter what we must compromise or who we have to hurt on the way up.  But the Bible teaches us that obedience to God is what brings favor and promotion, with a clear conscience!  Do you have a clear conscience?  Have you made up your mind to live in a manner that glorifies God?  If so, you don’t have to worry about competing with anybody about anything.  The Lord doesn’t want us worrying about what others have or what others are doing.  He wants us to be dreaming big for what the desires of our heart are and then He wants us to seek Him and His provision for our lives.  Spending time in God’s word finding out what He has said about who we are and what we have in Christ will keep our minds off of others and on the Lord which is what we should be concentrating on anyway!  

Scripture encourages us to always do our best. There is nothing wrong with wanting to advance and do well, but promotion for the believer always comes from the Lord.  We don’t have to compromise our integrity; we have to submit to God and do things His way.  The Lord doesn’t want us to settle for second best in any area of our lives.  But to living in that kind of victory we have to learn to walk with God.  That starts by learning His word.  We have already been given His Spirit if we are born again believers.  Knowing Gods word and being able to hear His voice takes commitment.  We are all committed to many things and should prioritize them accordingly if we want to see success in our lives.  Our relationship with our Savior should be our first priority.  When it is, we see change in our thinking and the way we look at things in this world and also in our speech.  Have you ever met somebody that knows what the Lord has to say about everything?  That person has spent time in God’s word.  They have made it a priority to know what God thinks and how He expects them to act.  The only thing capable of separating us from the lies we have been told by then enemy and ultimately believed is the living word of God and our appropriation of it.  Jesus fought the devil with “it is written” and so should we.  Actually, that is the only way we can fight his onslaught of lies that come against our minds every day.  When the enemy tells us that everything is falling apart we need to be able to answer with Colossians 1:17 “in Him all things hold together” (NIV) Speaking the word of God over your life releases the power of God.  If we want to see lasting change then we have to stop looking around but instead look up to Him who is the author and finisher of our faith.  It’s time we become more and more acquainted with our Father in Heaven!  He gives us favor with Himself and others when we commit to live in obedience to His word rather than trying to promote ourselves.

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.  Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. ~Proverbs 3:3-4 (NIV)

Have you ever met somebody that knows what the Lord has to say about everything?

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