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Blessings are born from obedience

So do not fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God.   I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. ~Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

Fear is a powerful emotion.  It can stall us, stop us, and even cause us to flee from situations that we are called to overcome.  Life can be hard, and circumstances can become difficult very quickly.  We aren’t doing anybody any favors by telling them otherwise.  Scripture doesn’t teach that we are going to have an easy life, but it does tell us we can have a blessed life.  Troubles can surround us on all sides, and we can still live in the shelter and rest God has promised to those whom He loves, and guess who that is?  You and me!  We are the one’s whom God loves.  He says the blessing is for “whosoever” will believe, and anybody can be a “whosoever”!  Blessings are born from obedience and obedience requires discipline.  When we obey God and discipline ourselves to live according to His word, He can’t help but bless us, just like a parent can’t help but want to bless their children who are obedient to their word.  It’s important that we remember that living an obedient life doesn’t mean we never make mistakes.  If we aren’t sure of that truth the enemy will beat us up and steal everything the Lord wants us to have.  Living an obedient life means we want to do things the way the Lord wants us to and when we don’t we run to the Lord and not from Him. 

Doing what is right and good can be difficult.  Oftentimes it goes against our very nature.  For instance, what is easier; to forgive and pray for those who are rude, unkind and mistreat you or to be angry and rude right back at them?  My flesh definitely wants to do the latter at times.  But that’s not God’s way and it’s not going to bring about the outcome any of us want in the end.  Or how about giving?  God promises in His word that those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.  Think about how many opportunities you have passed up for some refreshing by not refreshing others?  We don't have to fear what we have to let go of to obey the Lord.  The truth is fear and selfishness will keep us from being obedient and keep us from giving what actually belongs to God anyway.  It's all His, everything we have has been given to us and we are His stewards in the earth.  That means we hold on to possessions loosely because when God says give, we have to be ready to give.  We need to live in such a way that we do not think twice about opportunities to be a blessing to someone.  Don't look at your abilities, look at God's abilities.  He can get back to you way more than you can give up and He can bless whatever you put in His hands, especially your selfish will!  The Lords promise in Isaiah 41:10 stands true for His children today “I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (NIV)  Let’s let God have His way in our lives today, He will strengthen us to do His will and sustain us through it!

God is the one who enables you both to want and to actually live out His good purposes. ~Philippians 2:13 (CEB)

Where do you struggle in being obedient to God’s word?

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