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Be an example

Let no one despise or think less of you because of your youth, but be an example (pattern) for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity. ~1 Timothy 4:12 (AMP)

Christians are called to be an example to others.  Paul tells Timothy in his first letter to be an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.  That covers just about every aspect of our daily walk.  Timothy was concerned that people wouldn’t respect or listen to him because he was young, but Paul reassured him that it isn’t our age but our pure lifestyle that others come to respect.  We will never be too young or too old to be a witness to the difference having a relationship with our heavenly Father can make because God uses people of all ages and in all stages of life.  He understands we are human, and He knows we make mistakes.  He can and will use you no matter where you have been or what you have done if you let Him.  When we choose to give our life to the Lord and step out to do His will in every situation and in every encounter that we have every day, God promises to be right there with us.  One of the ways we can be an example to others is by simple faith.  Jesus said it is our childlike faith that will enable us to not only come to Him but also to receive from Him.  Are you receiving answers to your prayers?  Or do they seem to be hitting the ceiling? 

When we come to the Lord in humble obedience trusting in His goodness and love towards us, we can be sure that in His perfect time, we will see Gods blessings manifested in our lives.  Prayers come to fruition and unspeakable joy is ours.  This all occurs when we choose to allow our will to line up with the Lords will and setting our hearts to be an example to others is definitely lining our will up with the Lords!  Making God’s will our will is a bold move in this day and time.  Many would say it is not politically correct.  But the movers and shakers of every generation were the ones that stood out, not the ones that fit in.  We have been called to let our lights shine before men.  Jesus said nobody lights a lamp and then puts it under a bowl.  Today, we use a light bulb instead of a lamp.  The light bulb is a universal symbol for enlightenment.  Believers have been enlightened to Gods truth and once we know the truth, it’s hard to keep it inside.  We are compelled to share the word and love of God with the world.  Jesus said we would know the truth and it would set us free.  If you have been set free and you have the love of God in your heart you want to see others get set free.  That is why the good news of what Christ had done for us traveled so fast.  God promises His mercies are new every morning.  Trust God today to help you to be an example to others in your speech, in your conduct, in your love walk, in your faith and in your pure lifestyle. 

For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. ~Philippians 2:13 (NIV)

Do you stand out from the culture of today? In what ways?

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