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At the center of every challenge is an opportunity

I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, God of Israel, who summons you by name. ~Isaiah 45:3 (NIV)

Secret places are usually where you would never think to look; they are hidden out of sight or buried. Many times, God strategically places the treasures and riches He has for us right in the middle of a challenge or problem. At the center of every challenge is an opportunity for us to trust in God to move on our behalf and to accomplish that which we could never accomplish for ourselves, but we have to step out in faith. When we step out and trust in God, He will strengthen us as we go, even if we see no solution to the problem or no way to change the situation. Just because the adversity seems insurmountable does not mean that the dream in our heart was not placed there by God. Maybe God is waiting for us to muster up some good old-fashioned gumption. Maybe He wants us to get into His word and find out what He has said. There is nothing more frustrating than having a dream in your heart and not being able to bring it to pass. We need to remember that every dream that ever comes to pass starts with a seed that must be planted and nurtured. In addition to that God has to step in and do His part by sending the sun and the rain. He even goes as far as to say He does that for the righteous and the unrighteous. God is good to everyone all the time!

We should model Jesus' prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. Paraphrased His words might have sounded like "God, if you are not going to change my circumstances right now, give me a heart to accept them". We must know in our spirit that God is for us. We must know that His perfect timing is just that…perfect. There is power in knowing God is going to work all things out for your good and for the good of those you love. God’s wisdom, wealth and healing are all found by those who humbly seek Him in their minimal understanding, poverty, and sickness. He says He does this so that we may know that He is the Lord who has summoned us by name. He calls us by name because He is our God who loves us and longs to have a relationship with us and help us. It’s oftentimes our human pride that causes us not to seek Him in our troubles. No matter what you are going through it has sifted through the hands of the Lord. We might not understand why, but He is sovereign, and He has allowed it to come into our life not only for our good, but for the benefit of others as well. We need to remember two important truths: we grow the most in the hard times and that faith is a deliberate choice to trust God. So next time you are facing something difficult, look at it this way…every challenge you face makes you a candidate for a miracle. Show the Lord and the world your faith today. Have confident assurance that God’s goodness and mercy will surely follow you all the days of your life!

What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead. ~Hebrews 11:1 (TLB)

In what ways have you seen the goodness of God in your life lately? Has He answered any prayers? Opened any doors?

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