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Are you sporting a spiritual cowlick today?

We can’t begin to talk ourselves into disaster before the day even starts.  God says because you love Him, He has your back no matter what comes your way today, because you acknowledge His name.   That means when something you weren’t expecting drops in your lap, you can say “Thank you Jesus for making me equal to the task”.  At that point you have just acknowledged His name and His presence in your life.  We must remember that the Lord is on the scene with us to build us up in wisdom and skill for whatever needs to be done at any given moment.  For all of this to occur we have to get our day started right.  We have a routine to make sure our body is presentable before we walk out the door.  We make sure our hair looks nice and our clothes match.  But do we have a routine to make sure our spirit man is presentable?  Do we take the time to meditate on God’s word and trust Him to be true to His promises?  Do we count on His presence in the form of the Holy Spirit to help us maintain our peace and keep us walking in love as we go through the day?  We don’t want to leave the house with a bad attitude, mad at our spouse, jealous of our coworker, or even unsure about what the day is going to bring.  We want to get the Lord on board to help us deal with those issues before we ever walk out the door.  People might not be able to see that spiritual cowlick that you are sporting on the inside today, but they will surely identify it when you open your mouth!

We have to discipline ourselves to get our day started right by spending time with the Lord in His word and in His presence.  We have to find out what He wants to speak to our hearts, so He is able to bring it back to our mind when troubles or temptations come.  Only the Lord can give us the peace and confidence we need to walk out the door spiritually ready for the day.  If we don’t spiritually prepare for our day, just like we physically prepare our bodies for the day, there is only a scarce chance we will make it through with a good attitude because it won’t take the enemy too many attempts to turn our countenance sour and cause strife and division in our relationships.   It might be a “life’s not fair” situation, a “poor me” situation or even an “I can’t deal with this or them” situation, but you can be sure, it’s coming!  Arm yourself with the word of God and He can speak to you throughout the day with what He filled your spirit with when you took time to seek Him in His word.  Then you can conquer every situation that comes your way with the attitude that “God is working everything out for my good” or “I shall again have reason to praise Him, He is my help and my God!” or even “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.  Victory is there for those who prepare and put God first and seek His will for their lives.

For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory. ~Deuteronomy 20:4 (NIV)

What promises from God have you meditated on today?

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