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A Steadfast Mind is a Doubtless Mind

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. ~Isaiah 26:3 (NIV)

God is able to keep us in perfect peace no matter what we are going through, but the catch is we have to trust Him.  We have to believe in His love towards us and in His ability to take care of us.  There is not a problem on this earth that God doesn’t have a pertaining promise for in His word.  In Isaiah 26:3 the Lord refers to a “steadfast mind”.  A steadfast mind is one that is firmly established, steady, unwavering, and loyal.  A steadfast mind is a doubtless mind.  It doesn’t allow the enemy any ground.  A steadfast mind does not hesitate, and it does not falter when the prospect of God not being true to every word He has spoken tries to infiltrate its thoughts.  The foundation of a steadfast mind is firmly established in Christ and His finished work.  The Lord tells us in Colossians 1:27 “To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”  (NIV)  We gain a steadfast mind and are able to remain at peace no matter what is going on around us because we trust in God.  He is in us and with us and for us and we don’t allow unbelief to have any place in our hearts because we have unwavering hope.  When we do have situations that cause us to be tempted to doubt in the goodness of God, we know by experience that falling into that temptation will cause us to forfeit the truth for a lie and buy into a perspective that will eventually cause us to lose our peace.  God wants us to have a steadfast mind that consistently trusts in Him because He knows our peace is imperative to our hope and our health!

Many people say we shouldn’t pray for patience because patience is developed through trials.  But we have to remember that our faith is developed the same way.  We can only develop a steadfast mind by consistently trusting God and that trust is put to the test during our trials and tribulations.  We all struggle to trust God during difficult times, everybody under the sun.  Even David in Psalm 119:5 said “Oh, that my ways were steadfast...” (NIV)   Have you ever prayed that prayer?  Have you ever wished you could be more consistent, walking in peace, patience and love no matter what is going on around you?  In Psalm 51:10 David asks the Lord “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” (NIV)  Let that be your prayer today.  When troubles, doubts, fears, and disappointments come your way you will know you have already petitioned your Heavenly Father to renew a steadfast spirit within you so that you are able to trust in Him come what may.  We need to remember that victorious Christian living is not worked out in our strength but in our surrender.  We cannot rest in Christ if we are trusting in ourselves or anything other than the goodness of God. Don’t live your life worried and upset about many things, that is “Martha’s boat”.  The Lord wants us to be like Mary, at His feet trusting in His lovingkindness, which is translated “loyal love”.  God Himself promises to quiet the storms in your heart and keep you in perfect peace as you trust in Him with every detail of your life!

They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. ~Psalm 112:7 (NIV)

What trials have you experienced that have aided in building your faith?

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