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Increase our faith

The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” ~Luke 17:5 (NIV) 

Have you ever wanted to get rid of the message in your head that plays “this is impossible”?  I will never change.  They will never change.  These circumstances will never change.  The truth is everything changes.  There are no two days the same.  The question is…how do you want things to change?  Do you want things to line up with God’s will, or yours?  Our faith or our fears are the catalyst for change in our lives.  The disciples came to Jesus asking Him to increase their faith.  They saw His ability to believe God along with His ability to control His thoughts and what He said.  Jesus never let a doubt supersede God’s word.  Who wouldn't want to operate in that level of faith?  The Lords response to His disciple’s request was probably not what they expected.  In Luke 17:6 He replied, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you.” (NIV)  Basically what Jesus was saying was that we don’t need more faith…we need to learn to exercise our faith.  How do you exercise your faith on a daily basis?  Do you walk out the door every morning with the attitude that “it is finished”?  Do you believe that all has been accomplished for your success in every area of your life because you are in Christ?  We have to trust the Lord for who we are, what we will have and what we will become.  All contentment is born out of an inward surety.  When Jesus said “it is finished” on the cross He was talking about the rock-solid foundation He prepared for everyone who would come to know and love Him throughout eternity.  That foundation is a personal relationship with our heavenly Father.  Actually, our personal relationship with God is eternal life.  Jesus said in John 17:3 “Now this is eternal life:  that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” (NIV) 

Jesus didn’t get super spiritual with His disciples. He laid out the principles of the kingdom of God plain and simple.  He didn’t answer their request to increase their faith by saying “you need to go to church more” or “you should act better, and God would help you”.  No, He said if you had the faith of a mustard seed.  Faith in what?  Faith in God!  Faith in God's goodness and love for you.  Just a little tiny bit will do!  Did you know the mustard seed is one of the smallest seed on earth?  Jesus told His disciples "you can say”.  What are you saying about your life?  What are you saying about your loved ones?  What are you saying about your circumstances?  Jesus told the disciples all you need is a little bit of faith…then speak.  Remind yourself that God is going to work out everything for your good and for those you love.  Our contentment and abundance go hand in hand.  Scripture teaches that we prosper as our soul prospers.  We are never going to walk with a satisfied and grateful heart if we do not purposefully exercise our faith.  There is an enormous amount of peace and freedom in knowing that everything is going to be ok, but we aren’t going to experience any of it without a personal relationship with our heavenly Father! 

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.  ~I John 5:14-15 (NIV) 

What are you saying about your life? What are you saying about your loved ones? What are you saying about your circumstances?

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